All members
I/the user/the member/ the member status, relates to the person herein known as the member/user registering, us/we relates herein to the website/site;
The Member/User agrees;
I agree the content I upload here on will be shared here on the site and I accept may be visible without logging in/ie publicly visible.) I agree that content I upload may/can be shared via social media by this site and other people via share buttons. I agree that Nicknames/Usernames/Text/Content/Pictures are visible and of my own creation or with permission of the content or copyright owner. I agree other data I enter such as an email address may be used for fraud and spam detection/prevention, to associate me with my uploads and any further comments I may make on the uploaded post or comments I make, unless I choose to create an account in which case I also agree that any information will be used for the sole purpose of my use of this site, login logout and assigning my content to my account.
I permit and consent to the site owners and editorial team members to carefully verify my data as a bona fida mk3 enthusiast, mk3 owner or other mk3 passionate person, I accept the verification and confirmation of my details as I enter them and if I request a ‘Verified Member Status’ account or ‘Editorial Member Status’ account then I consent to extra due diligence for the safety and security of the community and also consent to any subsequent re-verifications.)
In view of the above I also agree to keep my password strong and secure and also not share any posts marked as for private/verified only. hereby agree;
We the site agree to keep all data including any personally identifiable information such as email addresses private and will not permit any other uses other than as you have agreed and is described above, we will not give any of your personal data such as content/names/email/location/social links or addresses to any other persons or companies, except for fraud detection such as for payments or for account verification.
Your data will never be sold.
Uploads will only be shared here on this site or via social media. You can mark any content as private or bring to our attention any content that is public that you wish to be private and we will act immediately or as soon as reasonably possible.
We will never intentionally contact you without your permission or subscription to a newsletter, unless you have previously interacted through transaction via VWPI the parent site of Golfmk3 or an subdivision such as UKMK3s where it is deemed you would be interested and previous interest indicates, or personally recommended via a person of who you may know, otherwise known as a friend or recommendation, vouching.
We will never ever ever send any invoice or demand for money without your prior express knowledge or permission, stated here due to phishing emails and fraud alike.
Beware of false demands.
In summary, Your privacy is most important to this site and we’ll do everything we can to ensure your privacy.
Inline with GDPR, you will be notified of any security issues with immediate effect, such as data breeches should they occur, necessary action will be taken.
You can also request to find out what personal data we hold (only what you enter) and request for it to be anonymised at any time.
We would also ask for the same diligence with what you share and what you post.
Consider others privacy as well. Report any suspicious site activity by members as no doubt the odd non mk3 person will slip through or software fail showing posts that should be private, the site needs everyones support to stay as secure as possible.
This site is SSL encrypted at all times and employs various firewall security measures/protections and monitors at various levels, to detect spam and keep out unwanted hackers.
These terms are subject to be updated and we will attempt to notify you of any changes regardless of a subscription or not under your right to be notified of change to policy of which you have or may agree to, by changing the policy you can again choose to then agree or disagree with the terms as laid out, continued use of this site deems acceptance of the sites terms of this policy.
Updated April 2021 – shortening in progress and split policy for member levels.