February 19, 2025

Golf MK3

Home of the 3, the magic number

Win FK AK Street Coilovers for your Golf MK3

Want to be in with a chance of winning some FK Coilovers for your Golf MK3?

Ensure you have registered as a ‘verified member’ here on GolfMK3.com and are logged in.

Write a blog post or upload a story here on the site to be in it with a chance to win it! FK AK Street Coilovers for Golf MK3 inc Cabrio courtesy of VWPI

We will be picking 1 winner from the uploaded posts through April, uploaded by verified members, not guest posts. This is to ensure prizes go to verified members, ie those who actually have an interest or own a Golf MK3 / Vento and who actively participate in the community.

recap to enter;

  1. Register/login as a verified member. (completion of registration and subsequent approval is required to qualify as verified.)
  2. Upload content of a story / blog nature. (not just a line or 2) Please write something detailed that others will find interesting to read.

(An alternative item may be provided if you’re not keen on the prize.)

Click the +Upload menu button ab above to get started once logged in.

Competition closes April 30th, winner will be notified that weekend.

Prize provided by VW Parts International


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